Friday 7 May 2010

A couple of quotes...

...a good one and a bad one.

There isn't really any news any more so, more and more it's padded out with pointless drivel.

Whilst garnering the views of people in Dartford on why they thought the Conservatives didn't manage to get a majority. An interviewer stopped a car and asked the couple of 'lads' in it why they though this was. The journalist was enlightened...

"It's cos people couldn't be bothered to get out of bed and vote mate."

Was that newsworthy?

And then to one of the best quotes I've read in the last couple of days, and I hope the author doesn't mind me repeating it (read the rest of the post here...)

"Cameron is posh and belongs in his Wiltshire mansion with a glass of Pimm's in his hand."

How true...